Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut rutrum risus quis consectetur interdum. Ut quis felis rutrum, imperdiet nunc vel, adipiscing ligula. Nunc nisl mi, ultrices vitae molestie id, laoreet ut justo. Ut interdum sem nisl, vel blandit odio tristique id. Vivamus et elementum felis. Vivamus ut urna risus. Ut vitae congue nibh, ac suscipit quam. Nulla bibendum, lacus vitae vestibulum porta, ipsum dolor laoreet arcu, sed eleifend mi erat non ante. Cras at volutpat nisi, sit amet commodo nunc. Aliquam ac tempor sapien.
Duis egestas augue eget dolor fermentum luctus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer et sem vel libero pellentesque sagittis. Nulla porta lacus et ultricies iaculis. Curabitur non massa accumsan odio blandit consequat. Sed iaculis fermentum sagittis. In eros risus, molestie vitae velit fermentum, sagittis lacinia enim. Phasellus aliquet nibh nibh, nec scelerisque nisi ullamcorper vel. Vestibulum nec elit quis elit faucibus volutpat in in lorem.
In sodales euismod leo, eget varius magna dignissim at. Maecenas consectetur imperdiet elit non ullamcorper. Phasellus in sollicitudin justo. Aliquam egestas nunc dui, porta elementum mi vehicula nec. Ut porttitor turpis in lectus rutrum molestie. Curabitur faucibus varius diam eget facilisis. Vestibulum hendrerit eleifend arcu vitae lobortis. Donec sem sem, sodales ac odio vel, gravida volutpat urna. Curabitur non dignissim orci. Praesent fringilla rutrum aliquet. Morbi tempor erat sit amet orci pharetra dignissim. Donec id lorem sapien. Duis quis eros sed nisi viverra ornare sit amet eget sapien. Praesent adipiscing vestibulum risus, at sodales mi laoreet vel.
Hello Menchu,
We are a group of 4 visiting Jerez for 4 days, at the end of Feb. 2020, arriving on the evening of 26th by car. We already have a hotel ( La Albarizuela ), and would be interested in a guided tour of Jerez, f. ex in the following morning of our arrival ( f. ex 11 o´clock AM 27 February ) . If the weather is nice, I imagine we could make the tour by foot? A 2 hour tour maybe ? or do you have othe suggestions ?
We would also appreciate advice in finding some genuine classical, flamenco dancing shows. We understand there is a Flamenco festival, and are a bit worried that some of the best shows might be sold out. Now, by “genuine” I mean basically as non-touristic as possible 🙂
So at this festival I understand there will be a show featuring flamenco choreographies of the ‘Ballet Nacional de España’ ” – but this is not what we had in mind .. we are just looking for some plain, genuine flamenco dancing.
So, would you be able to help us with this, and what would be your fee for a guided tour + advice on where to book + maybe assitance with booking process. ?
PS. Our plan was to visit Cadiz on the 29th of Feb. We might also be seeking advice on where to go in Cadiz, maybe a guided tour of Cadiz and advice on where to book a restaurant in the evening. ( apparently there is also a festival in Cadiz, so one might need to make reservetions there as well )